The pigs in Högsbo met international students today. We believe that both groups were happy and inspired by the cold but dear january-meet.
Chalmers students for sustainability (CSS) contacted Stadsjord as students from all over the were gathered in Göteborg to discuss sustainable solutions for a smarter world-order. When in Göteborg, what could be more suitable than to team up with the Högsbo pigs and their human friends.
Interesting global stories
It was very interesting to share experiences with the group. We asked if the Högsbo pig story seems strange to the students from Latin America, the baltic countries, Japan, India, Dominican Republic, Chile and other places.
One guy from India talked about life in India with locally grown herbs and vegetables and how much he missed the present food production when he move the Sweden. One guy from Scotland tells us about how urban farming is used to influence planning in Glasgow.
Upgraded old knowledge
In Latvia and Estonia the economic crisis has brough about a growing interest for home grown and processed food. Old books about bread-baking, jam-making and other old knowledge is now hip and part of the asked for urban knowledge.
CCS and Stadsjord
The present representative for Chalmers Students for Sustainability asked if CCS could join the group of official parters of Stadsjord. We thank you for the proposal and we gladly accept and look forward to this fresh and promising cooperation.
Picture: The international group visiting Högsbo to discuss urban resilience.